Studying the Everyday Life of Dollar Sellers in Sabzeh Meydan, Tehran; Resistance in Everyday Economic Life

Document Type : Research Article


1 Professor, Department of Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 M.A. in Cultural and Media Studies, Department of Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


This paper examines the phenomenon of dollar selling in Sabzeh-Meydan (green square), near Tehran Bazaar. Dollar sellers exhibit and introduce some interesting elements to the economic activities around Bazaar that are fit to be dealt with from a cultural studies point of view. The phenomenon of dollar selling is a unique event in terms of its content; in other words, there are layers of power and resistance behind the phenomenon of selling dollars, which is tried here to be carefully examined. This research uses the ethnographic method to collect its data.  The data in fact come from participatory observation. To collect data an emphasis was placed on document collection, direct observation in the field, and conducting semi-structured interviews. The interviews were conducted with 11 samples in the field, and the following results were obtained using the theories of Bourdieu and related theorists in the field of cultural studies. The data analysis and interpretation show that dollar-selling practice and exhibit a resistance but rather a cultural resistance in the field.  Regardless of the business values involved, dollar sellers in Sabzeh-Meydan express an independent identity, and by showing lifestyle they are trying to express resistance against the dominant cultural values of Tehran’s Bazaar. In addition, dollar sellers redefine themselves in relation to the government and refuse to accept the dominant patterns of economic behavior set forth by the government.


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