Media, internalization of norms and body image (A study among the Students of Guilan University)

Document Type : Research Article



In recent years, body image has been considered as a phenomenon influenced by cultural and technological contexts. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the media and internalization of norms and body image among female students of the Guilan University. The theoretical framework is mainly based on the ideas of Thompson, Thomas Cash and feminist's point of view. This study was conducted using a quantitative method and survey with 400 samples. Tompson and Heinberg’s Standard measures of socio-cultural attitudes towards appearance and body image scale had been used. Findings indicate that there is a significant relationship between media consumption and internalization of media and socio cultural norms and body image. But there isn’t any significant relationship between demographic variables such as socioeconomic status, age and marital status. The standard impact factor of regression model showed that the strongest predictors of dependent variables (body image) were: internalization of media and sociocultural norms, media consumption and normative pressure from men. Thus body image is not just the consequence of media, and also, cultural values and other criteria play significant role in this issue. The links between the media as a modern factor and cultural values and norms of society as a traditional factor has been mixed in the internalization of beauty criteria and formed new cultural and social values.


Main Subjects

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