Analysis of the Phenomenon of Parental Abuse among Maybod Families

Document Type : Research Article


1 Yazd university

2 Master of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

3 PhD in Sociology of Economy and Development, Faculty of Social Sciences, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran




The phenomenon of parental abuse is a hidden and invisible harm that can affect the lives of parents that can affect the life of the parents and cause serious disturbances in the family context and make it face many challenges. The aim of this study was to explore and interpret parental abuse among the families of Meybod city in Yazd province. The approach of qualitative research and its implementation method is systematic grounded theory. Participants were sampled purposively with different parents in Meybod in Yazd province. A total of 23 interviews with parents in were performed. Data collection were performed through semi-structured interviews. The interview transcripts were analyzed using grounded theory coding. After analyzing the data, 11 main categories were explored which include: committing deviation, financial damage, imposing insult and humiliation, Ignorance, stress and anxiety, social isolation, desperation, normalization, impact of parenting, aggressive environment, submission and compromise. As a result, parental abuse has been increasing in recent years, and according to the results of the interviews, most parents have experienced verbal and emotional abuse. The results of the present study confirmed that parents experience a series of emotional, verbal, financial, and abuses by their children in conditions of indignity and disrespect towards themselves that have a significant contribution to causing their stress, humiliation, desperation, and mental and emotional tensions.


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