Explaining the Phenomenon of Migration and Its Causes with a Qualitative Approach (The Case of: Yazd Province)

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Technology Development Studies (DTDS), Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST), Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Rural Development Management, Faculty of Agriculture, Yasouj University, Yasouj, Iran

3 Department of Political Science and Law, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Lorestan University Khorramabad, Iran



The present research was aimed at the phenomenon of migration in Yazd province and its causes. This research was descriptive and non-experimental in terms of data collection; applied-exploratory in terms of purpose and qualitative in terms of paradigmatic aspect. The participants included experts, policy makers, planners and managers who were aware of the development processes of Yazd province; selected using the purposeful sampling method. In this research, 45 in-depth and semi-structured interviews were conducted until the theoretical saturation and library documents, statistics and provincial information were used to complete the data. Validity and reliability were ensured by using appropriate methods. To analyze, three stages of coding were used. The results included 4 main categories of migration from the village to the city; migration of non-native unskilled workers; migration of foreign nationals and migration of elites. Based on the results, the problem of employment and livelihood in the villages and the difficulty of the employment environment of the elites (casual conditions) on the one hand and inefficient infrastructure in 3 fields of “foreign nationals' education”, “creating employment for foreign nationals” and “provincial development” (contextual conditions), on the other hand, has led to the migration process in Yazd province. This process had consequences such as effects of “rural migration on cities”, “the presence of non-native and unskilled labor” and “social and cultural effects of the presence of nationals”. At the end, based on the findings, some suggestions were made to reduce the consequences and optimal management of the immigrants' problems.


Main Subjects