Investigating the Relationship between Marital Satisfaction, Marital Adjustment, and Cultural Perspective of Feminism in Married Women

Document Type : Research Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran

2 PhD in Educational Psychology, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan.



Marital satisfaction and adjustment hold significant importance in the continuity of couples' lives and greatly contribute to individuals' overall life satisfaction. Moreover, having a feminist perspective can also impact attitudes towards shared life and marital experiences. Therefore, the aim of this research was to examine the relationship between marital satisfaction, marital adjustment, and feminist perspectives among married women in the city of Hamadan. The sample consisted of 100 married women selected through convenience sampling. The utilized tools included the Marital Adjustment Scale, Feminist Perspective Scale, and Enrich Marital Satisfaction Scale. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient. The findings of this study demonstrated a positive and significant correlation between marital adjustment and marital satisfaction. Additionally, the results revealed a negative and significant relationship between marital satisfaction, adjustment, and feminist perspective. Thus, paying attention to these factors by considering the cultural conditions of each region can play a significant role in the lives of couples.


Main Subjects