A qualitative study of family functioning during the spread of Corona; A case study of Tehran city

Document Type : Research Article


1 Oloom tahghighat

2 Professor of IRIB University

3 Assistant Professor, University of Science and Research, Faculty of Literature, Social Sciences and Humanities

4 , Professor of the University of Science and Research, Faculty of Literature, Social Sciences and Humanities




This study aims to explore how the functions of the family institution in Tehran can be restructured following the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, this research seeks to answer, from an exploratory perspective, how the pandemic has transformed families' attitudes towards the functions and reevaluation of the family institution in Tehran. The research employs a qualitative approach and is based on thematic analysis. Sampling was conducted purposively and theoretically, with data collected through semi-structured interviews. Data analysis was performed using Braun and Clarke's coding and thematic network analysis.

The analysis results indicate that the COVID-19 pandemic caused confusion, stress, anxiety, and the spread of misinformation, turning families into spaces for sharing various emotions. With the dissolution of social life boundaries and the integration of different institutions into the family, an opportunity for rethinking family functions emerged. The virtual space, by providing online education, information, trends, and a platform for business continuity, has played a significant role in changing the past habits of Iranian families. Consequently, families in Tehran have experienced substantial changes in emotional, economic, health, educational, power dynamics, customs, and leisure functions. Thus, the pandemic, as a major change agent, has led to the reassessment and redefinition of family roles and responsibilities in Tehran.


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