Measuring the Satisfaction of Residents of Informal Settlements about Social Development Indicators, Case Study: Hamedan

Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD in Urbanism, Assistant Professor, Architecture Department, Faculty of Engineering, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 urbanism,Art and architecture, persian gulf, bushehr,iran



After decades of planning to improve the quality of life of citizens, a significant proportion of city dwellers are still unable to meet their needs. Informal settlements can be considered as a clear example of environments with low levels of social development whose residents face many problems and limitations. Therefore, in this study, the indicators of social development have been questioned through a questionnaire from residents of five informal settlements in the city of Hamadan. The variables obtained using the factor analysis model are classified into five factors: "social interactions", "economic power", "local services", "service distribution" and "citizenship". Then, with the help of multivariate linear regression analysis model, the level of social development of each neighborhood has been determined that Manouchehri, Mazdaqineh, Khezr, Hesar and Dizaj neighborhoods have had a better situation, respectively. The results also show that the first priority of social development in all neighborhoods is related to the "service distribution" factor. In the second place, the priority of social development for Hesar and Dizaj neighborhoods is related to the factor of "economic power", for Khezr and Mazdaqineh neighborhoods is related to the factor of "citizenship right" and for Manouchehri neighborhood is related to the factor of "local services". Therefore, the main strategy that can be put on the agenda of city managers will be to create balance and justice in the distribution of services and infrastructure in the city of Hamadan and to direct service and public uses to informal neighborhoods.


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