Prediction of Emotional Intelligence and Attachment Styles based on Multicultural Experiences

Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Faculty of Literature and Human sciences, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran

2 M.A. in Family Counseling, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Islamic Azad University of Hamadan, Hamadan, Iran.


It should be accepted that the mutual communication has grown between different regions and cultures of the world has increased and multiculturalism experience. Multicultural experiences allow one to encounter viewpoints that are inconsistent with, and perhaps conflict with, one’s native culture. There are many social and psychological variables that deal with human communication or social interactions and can be affected by multicultural experience; Among them, we can mention emotional intelligence and attachment styles. The aim of the present study was to prediction of Emotional Intelligence and Attachment Styles based on multicultural experiences in the citizens of Nahavand city - Khazal region. The research method was descriptive-correlational. The statistical population in this study was the citizens of Khazal region in 1998-99(33000 people). The sampling method was stratified and the sample size was Morgan table with a sample size of 384 people. The data collection tool was in this study questionnaires of multi-cultural experiences of Narvaez and Hil (2009); Hazen and Shivar’s Attachment Styles Scale (1987) and Bar-On’s Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (1997). To analyze the were used data Descriptive statistical indices (mean, standard deviation, frequency, percentage) and statistical methods of Pearson correlation, and step-by-step linear regression. The results showed that multicultural experience is able to predict emotional intelligence; Multicultural experience alone explains 0.104 of the variances of emotional intelligence and with Multicultural desire Explain 0.127 of the variance of emotional intelligence. Multicultural desire is able to predict avoidance style and explains 0.4% of the variance of avoidance style. Multicultural experience is able to predict safe style and explains 0.010% of the variance of safe style. Multicultural experience is able to predict ambiguous style and explains 0.012% of the variance of ambivalent style.


Main Subjects

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