Studying the Effective Factors of Tendency Towards Superstitions Among Citizens: Meta-analysis of Researches from 2009 to 2018

Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of History and Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran

2 Ph.D. student of sociology of Iranian social issues, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar Branch, Semnan, Iran.

3 Ph.D. student of Cultural Sociology, Islamic Azad University of Tehran Center, Tehran, Iran.

4 Senior Expert in Cultural Studies, Social Science Department, Social Science College, Kashan University, Kashan, Iran.


The main purpose of the research is to study the effective factors of tendency to superstition among citizens. The research method is quantitative meta-analysis, the statistical population of which is 23 documents, of which 18 studies were selected due to the survey and being related to the research problem, compliance with quality and validity, non-probability sampling method from the scientific database of Nurmagz, Jihad Dhanshi, Mag-Iran and Iran has been docked. The results show that there is a relationship between social (0.135), cultural (0.204), psychological (0.365) and economic (0.478) factors with superstition tendency and their total effect was equal to 19. Also, Q test and funnel plot confirmed the existence of heterogeneity (variance) between studies. To check it, contextual variables were considered as moderator variables. The results of the moderator study show that ethnic identity has an effect on superstition tendency and its overall effect is equal to 0.13%. This rate has been higher among Ler and Turks than other ethnic groups. In terms of gender, women are more prone to superstition than men, and the reason for this is the psychological, physical and social difference between men and women in society. Also, football players are less inclined to superstitions and general citizens are more prone to superstitions. From the point of view of the place of life (biospatial-geographic), the residents of the village environment are more interested and willing to explain things with superstitions. The reason for this is geographical isolation, low cultural capital, localism, and people’s compatibility with their traditional and historical norms regarding social affairs.


Main Subjects

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