Investigating the effect of social and economic capitals on the choice of food patterns of Tehran citizens

Document Type : Research Article



Social and economic changes at different levels and dimensions have made major changes in the lifestyle of individuals in society. Food selection is a multifaceted, dynamic, contextual, multilevel, coordinated and integrated and at the same time diverse issue. Social status, economic capital, and their constituent components are among the variables associated with food consumption. In this article, we examined the effect of social and economic capital on food selection of Tehran citizens by survey method and using questionnaire tools. For this purpose, a questionnaire was distributed among 384 citizens of Tehran over 15 years of age using multi-stage cluster sampling method and based on the resulting results, 55.7% of Tehran citizens with average social capital and 28.9% had High social capital and 15.4 % of them have low social capital. Also, 60.2% of respondents have low economic capital, 30.7% have average economic capital and 9.9% of Tehran citizens have high economic capital. Also, in terms of social class, the results showed that 54.4% of citizens have a middle social class, 32.3% have a low social class and 13.3% have a high social class. The results of the structural equation model also showed; The level of social capital, economic capital and social class of individuals is effective in choosing their food pattern, so that people with higher social capital and economic capital and higher social class have chosen a healthier food pattern.


Main Subjects

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