The social to the natural; coexistence or opposition

Document Type : Research Article



The present research, considering the issue of the relation of the social to the natural in general and the relation of the livelihood system with the environment in particular, seeks to understand the processes of their coexistence and opposition in the context of the daily life of local communities. In this context, by adopting a phenomenological approach and by conducting in-depth interviews and focused group discussions, the experience of local biologists has been questioned about human interaction with nature on the basis of the concept of "work."  Findings indicate that the relation between the social to the natural in the context of daily life has led to three approaches: "coexistence, exploitation and opposition". This process has occurred in a way that today livelihoods bring the greatest pressure on nature, and this contrast is more pronounced than ever before. Therefore, sustainable livelihood pattern is considered as the most important determinant of environmental sustainability; Therefore, it is recommended that with the awareness and social community of social activists, the use and care of nature be transformed into a desire and collective will according to the indicators of the sustainable livelihood pattern; So that collective and responsible action by all individuals and institutions is considered an environmental protection factor; Because the unilateral action of the government and the relevant institutions is not very efficient or, in the worst case, will have a negative and negative result.


Main Subjects

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