rationality and emphasis on language in the Habermas and Rorty's philosophical system

Document Type : Research Article



Today's World is full of thinkings which each one is seeking to solve the current idealist society's difficulties. Humanity is always trying to reach redemption and welfare and in this way, religions and various philosophic, literary and social creeds have been found. The main objective of this study express the views of Richard Rorty and Jürgen Habermas, a philosopher-sociologist to draw the human society in which freedom is. Habermas, Rorty in line with our view on this was to look at the match between these two thinkers to achieve better results look. Research leading to the rationality and language of the two thinkers how to get rid of the problems in modern society pose new definition of rationality nd reach the goal to tie the use of language. The philosopher's ideas about rationality and common purpose encompasses slightly different language; And that understanding and agreement in society and individual freedom. The postmodern philosopher Habermas, Rorty and defense unfinished project of modernity, rationality and language in ways similar and partly different; But both dream of rationality to achieve the dream of a utopia in their minds to the realm of action draw. The results showed that those elements of rationality and language as tools for solving the problems of the modern society to applyAnd also negate the special meaning of rationality to rationality are looking to replace other meansAs a result of the possibility of building a relationship and dialogue regardless of external pressure and fear and intimidation to achieve their Hmfhmy.


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