Determinants in the women’s migration to Hamedan

Document Type : Research Article



The women play an effective role in the whole levels of the migration process. Nowadays, women participate in the migration process independently, as a family scheduling and supporting part. This paper verifies the women’s role and the determining factors in the family migrations to Hamedan city. The research method in this study has been developed utilizing the calibration strategy and the data evaluation based on questionnaire and interview with sample persons. The sampling framework in this research has been implemented using random systematic clustering. The verification of the two-variable tests illustrated that among all selected five assumptions only one of those was omitted. Furthermore, the results of Logestic regression analysis demonstrated that women’s educations, the age during the migration, the women’s dependency levels before the migration and the year in which the migration occurs are four effective assumptions which remain in the model. These four variables describe about 32% variance related to dependent variable. Finally, the results demonstrated that the women are more effective in the migration decision making compared to men. As a result, with the increase in the social position of women, the women’s role in the migration process is amplified.


Main Subjects

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