Social participation is thekey factor ofdevelopment and social trust isone of the most important factoresthat provids the context of socialparticipation. The goal of this research is to survey relationship between social trust and social participation of Noorabad town citizens.The statistical society is all 16 years and elder persons of Noor Aabad which, according to 1385 statistic are 20800 people. The sample society is 356 people that is achieved by Cookiran formulae. In this research is used random cluster sampling, as at first, Noor Abad is divided into 5 clusters according to social and economical features, and then the samples were selected from any clusters randomly. The method of research is surveying and data –collecting instrument is structured questionnaire. Theoretical framework of research is based on Putnam, Aynglhart,Coloman, and Zetompca’s social capital theory. The Two-sample independent t-test, Anova test, correlation coefficients (Pearson), stepwise regression and path analysis are used to analysis of data and test of hypotheses. Results of research show that variables of individual trust, institutional trust and gender have a meaningful positive relationship with social participation. The most rate of social participations belong to mans and employees. Regression analysis results show that gender andinstitutional trust have the most effect on social participiation.
Sabzehei, M. . T. and Rahimi, P. (2013). The Survey of relationship between social trust and social participation amongNoorabad-Lorestan citizens. Two Quarterly Journal of Contemporary Sociological Research, 1(2), 71-91.
Sabzehei, M. . T. , and Rahimi, P. . "The Survey of relationship between social trust and social participation amongNoorabad-Lorestan citizens", Two Quarterly Journal of Contemporary Sociological Research, 1, 2, 2013, 71-91.
Sabzehei, M. . T., Rahimi, P. (2013). 'The Survey of relationship between social trust and social participation amongNoorabad-Lorestan citizens', Two Quarterly Journal of Contemporary Sociological Research, 1(2), pp. 71-91.
M. . T. Sabzehei and P. Rahimi, "The Survey of relationship between social trust and social participation amongNoorabad-Lorestan citizens," Two Quarterly Journal of Contemporary Sociological Research, 1 2 (2013): 71-91,
Sabzehei, M. . T., Rahimi, P. The Survey of relationship between social trust and social participation amongNoorabad-Lorestan citizens. Two Quarterly Journal of Contemporary Sociological Research, 2013; 1(2): 71-91.