A Survey on the Relationship Between Family and Media and Interest in Superstition Among People of Mashhad

Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD student in sociology, Department of Social Sciences, Qochan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qochan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Khorasan Razavi Academic Jihad Organization, Mashhad, Iran,

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.


Although the development of science and technology speeding up during last years, still superstition play a role in people believe and behaviors. Since superstitious beliefs may result in wrong solution and harm people, they are considered as unfavorable social behavior. It seems that superstitious beliefs widespread among people through informal socialization ways (family and mass media). The present study designed to investigate the role of these factors in people superstitious beliefs. For this propose, by using random sampling and questionnaire, superstitious beliefs of 400 persons who live in Mashhad were assessed. The results of this study showed that believe in superstition was highly reliable (α> 0.95). Furthermore, the finding of the current study confirmed the initial assumption which there was a significant correlation between tendency to superstition and tendency to “other important people”. In addition, the persons who follow informative media had less tendency to superstition rather than persons who follow entertainment media. Thereby, it is suggested to weaken superstitious beliefs in society, we should focus more on content of entertainment media in addition to re- socialization of family.


Main Subjects

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