Meta-Analysis of Sociological Factors Affecting the Tendency to Cosmetic Surgery in Iran

Document Type : Research Article


1 Ph.D. Student in Sociology, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanism and Literature Faculty, Guilan University, Rasht, Iran.

2 Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanism and Literature Faculty, Guilan University, Rasht, Iran,


Due to the high statistics of cosmetic surgery in Iran in the Middle East, many internal types of research in the field of sociology concerning the tendency to cosmetic surgery have been conducted among different groups and with different methods. Since, these investigations are single and scattered, the present study aims to use the meta-analysis method to analyze and combine the results of studies on the tendency to cosmetic surgery in Iran. The research method of this article is meta-analysis. To perform a meta-analysis, 55 authoritative scientific articles that were published between the years (2001-2011) on the subject of cosmetic surgery in Iran, and they were suitable for this analysis, were selected and analyzed using the second version of CMA software. The results showed that the “inferiority feeling” had the greatest effect on the tendency to cosmetic surgery (r = 0.59). So, the effect size is positive and strong. After that, the most influential factors on the tendency to cosmetic surgery were normative pressure, negative body image, reference group, media, and body management with positive and moderate effect sizes, respectively. This study has emphasized the effectiveness of sociological variables on the subject.


Main Subjects

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