Sociological Study of Cultural Particularism Among Citizens of Hamedan and Presenting Theoretical Model

Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD Student in Cultural Sociology, Islamic Azad University, Dehaghan Branch, Isfahan, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Departemant of Sociology, Islamic Azad University, Dehaghan Branch, Isfahan, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Islamic Azad University, Dehaghan Branch, Isfahan, Iran.


Culture is the distinguishing factor of human societies and groups. And we can talk about culture and specific cultural identity. The acceptance of immigrants from different ethnicities has caused cultural diversity as well as cultural particularism in the city of Hamadan. That the reactions of immigrants and native citizens and the effect on different cultural and social fields are its consequences. The research was conducted with the aim of sociological study of cultural particularism among the citizens of Hamedan and its causes and factors. This research was conducted with a survey strategy and Structural Equation Model analysis method. The mean cultural particularism among the citizens of Hamedan is close to average. Also, the particularism of young people is less than that of older people, and the particularism of native citizens is more than that of immigrants. The degree of cultural particularism of citizens varies with different levels of education and in different ethnicities. Based on the analysis of SEM, the hypotheses of the research are confirmed and indicate the significant effect of globalization, traditionalism, religiosity, Cyberspace, migration, education, social trust, feeling of relative deprivation, socioeconomic status and ethnicity on cultural particularism. which explain a total of 65% of the variance of cultural particularism. According to the research results and related theories, we cannot expect cultural homogeneity in the multi-ethnic city of Hamedan with subcultures. On the other hand, the dialectical process of globalization has caused the simultaneous existence of specific and general cultures.


Main Subjects

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