Sociological Study of Job Satisfaction as a Factor of Organizational Development

Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities, Golestan University, Golestan, Iran,

2 A Graduate of BA, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities, Golestan University, Golestan, Iran.


Human power is very important in organizations. Productivity, effectiveness and development of organizations depends on the efficiency and effectiveness of human resources of that organization, so one of the important issues that should be considered in any organization is job satisfaction and satisfaction of employees of that organization. Because it can directly lead to organizational development. In order to realize the productivity of human resources in the organizational field, the necessary solutions must be identified. One of the effective solutions is to pay attention to the intellectual capital of the organization and the job satisfaction of the employees. The present study investigates the factors affecting job satisfaction among employees of the Bojnourd Education Department. In this study, Herzberg motivational-health theory was used as a theoretical framework that health factors include: uniformity at work, salaries and benefits, organizational hierarchy, relationships in the workplace and access and power, as well as motivational factors including: job category, job category And the type of employment, this research is done by survey method. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire. The validity of the questionnaire has been confirmed by a group of experts in this field. The statistical population of the study includes the staff of the Education Department of Bojnourd (250 people). The statistical sample in this study is 150 employees of this organization, the sampling method was simple random. Based on the results, salaries and the level of power and access of individuals have played a major role in increasing job satisfaction of employees. With increasing salaries and access and power of people, the level of job satisfaction of employees increases.


Main Subjects

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