Factors Affecting the Unemployment of Graduates Western Islamic Azad Universities of Mazandaran Province

Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD Student in Sociology, Department of Social Sciences, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran.


Unemployment is one of the major socio-economic problems that can have irreparable economic and social consequences and is one of the main reasons for economic and social problems. Meanwhile, the unemployment of young people and especially university graduates is of double importance due to the economic and social costs that have been incurred for their education. In this article, the factors affecting the unemployment of the graduates of Islamic Azad Universities in the west of Mazandaran province have been investigated. For this purpose, a survey method and a researcher-made questionnaire tool were used to collect information. The statistical population of the current research consists of all university graduates of humanities fields in the western universities of Mazandaran province in the years 2018-2019. 352 of them participated in this study by cluster sampling method. According to the descriptive findings, 69.3% were employed and 30.7% were unemployed. 24% of the respondents were self-employed. 19.3% of all employees were working in the government sector and 16.7% were working in the non-government sector, 30.7% were unemployed and 11.3% were studying in higher education. The results of this research showed that unemployment was observed in women, single people, people with lower education and at younger ages. In addition, the results indicate the direct and significant impact of social factors (population growth, social inequality and expansion of urbanization) and economic factors (high inflation rate, inability of graduates to invest, lack of skill training and low level of demand for graduates). It has been on the unemployment of graduates. Therefore, in order to control the unemployment of university graduates, it is necessary to develop a comprehensive plan with the cooperation of the Ministry of Science and implement it with the cooperation of various institutions.


Main Subjects

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