The development and measurability of social tolerance scale based on structuration theory of Giddens in Isfahan

Document Type : Research Article


1 University of Isfahan. Ph.D Student

2 Associate professor with department of sociology, the University of Isfahan, Iran

3 Shiraz University


The aim of this paper is development and measurability of social tolerance questionnaire based on the structuration theory of Giddens and determine the validity and reliability of it. In this research, survey method and factor analysis were used. In order to determine validity, 598 participants and for reliability two sample of 40 & 60 of young people in Isfahan were selected using stratified random sampling. In this study, to determine the validity of social tolerance, content validity, face validity and constructive validity and to determine the reliability, internal consistency and stability of the two methods were used. The findings showed that social tolerance based on the Strucration theory have three-dimensions. The results of exploratory factor analysis, showed acceptable load factor for each dimension of social tolerance. Cronbach's alpha of the questionnaire was 0.88 and test-retest coefficient higher than 0.69 is also desirable. Thus, this scale has constructive validity and reliability and social researchers can use it to assess the social tolerance.


Main Subjects

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