Evaluation of Educational factors affecting the socialization of children based on content analysis (The Study two groups of mothers affected in Isfahan)

Document Type : Research Article



The aim of this study was to evaluate qualitative factors affecting education in the socialization of children. The population, vulnerable mothers aged 25 to 40 in the opening, at least one child 6 to 12 years old. 15 of these cases were selected by convenience sampling method. . Qualitative research methods and interview techniques were used to collect data. The theoretical approach used in this article, based on the type of family, socialization, and women are vulnerable. Selected vulnerable women addicted women and women are addicted wife. To investigate the  Educational factors affecting the socialization of children , it was necessary first to examine models of family upbringing. Finally, as the three factors of effective pedagogical beliefs and thought, empathy and attachment were categorized and the socialization of children in the family due to the factors studied. The results show that most of these children in families due to the lack of psychological security as well as rejection from society, do not have proper socialization; But if you create the enabling environment problems can be productive member of society.


Main Subjects

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