Analytical Review on Conflation of Agency and Structure in the thought of Pierre Bourdieu

Document Type : Research Article


. Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, University of Tabriz


According to the basic concepts such "Habitus" and "Field" as a clear example of Bourdieu's integrated approach, dialectical relationship between these two concepts and the outcome of the operation as the unit of analysis in his theory, the sociological approach and practice theory of Bourdieu described. In this regard, drawing Bourdieu's theory of language and symbolic power (the linguistic nature of the dialectical relationship) and his view on the distinction and the different forms of capital as an integrated approach by some arguments.
Finally, attempt to answer this question is whether has been successful Bourdieu's eclectic approach simultaneous emphasizing to the structure and agency or not? The results show that Bourdieu's eclectic approach faced to the theoretical challenges for excessive emphasis on structure, reproduction, and in a sense for behalf of objective dimension and hard belief to foundation of social reality. Eventually, his eclectic approach for greater emphasis on structure and reproduction faced theoretical challenges.


Main Subjects

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