Isolation and health: Survey on the relationship between social Isolation and mental health upper 18 Years old citizens; with attention to the mediation role of social support

Document Type : Research Article


PhD student of social issues, Kashan University


Mental health as the most basic constituents of social welfare is not merely biological or psychological reality, but also has a social dimension and nature and is influenced by factors such as social isolation and social support. The purpose of this study is Survey the impact of social isolation on the mental health of Tehran citizens with attention to the mediation role of social support. The research method is survey and data collection tool is questionnaire. Cochran formula is used to select the sample size and 524 citizens of uper18 Years old in 1393 were selected by multistage cluster sampling. Descriptive findings showed that 59 percent of Tehran citizens are experiencing moderate to high isolation level, 69 percent of them were in good mental health and the Average of social support was 61/60. In the analytical section, hypothesis testing showed that there is negative and significant relationship between social isolation with social support and mental health and Social support had a positive and significant relationship with mental health. The results of the path analysis also showed that the social isolation variable compared to social support variable, have more direct and indirect impact (-0.45) on the mental health of Tehran citizens. Overall, the results of this study suggest that with increasing social isolation, reduced levels of social support and mental health conditions will be at vulnerable Situation.


Main Subjects

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