Abassi Esfajir, Aliaskhar
Factors Affecting the Unemployment of Graduates Western Islamic Azad Universities of Mazandaran Province [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2022, Pages 37-66]
Abavisani, Sahar
Designing a Model of Marital infidelity in Neishabour City with Social Exclusion Approach [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2024, Pages 59-94]
Abbaszadedh, Mohammad
Investigating the Role of Job Hope and Spiritual-Social Well-Being in Students’ Academic Burnout [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2023, Pages 45-76]
Abbaszadeh, Mohammad
Sociological Study of the Relationship between Social Relation and Influence with the Consumption of Food away from Home (The Case of 15 Years Old and Over Citizens of Tabriz) [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 85-108]
Abbaszadeh Marzbali, Mohsen
Micro-Politics of Social Bio-Movements / Non-Movements and Democratic Transformation [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2024, Pages 337-366]
Abdelahi, Azimeh Sadat
Reflexivity and Mistrust: Isfahan Citizens’ Experience of Living in Corona Conditions [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2024, Pages 61-106]
Abdi, Bahamn
Gender and Health; The Analyzing of the Gender Role on Health Inequalities [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 1-29]
Study the Relationship between Organizational Justice and Organizational Commitment:
Emphasizing the Mediator Role of the Organizational Identity and Organizational Trust as Variables [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 91-124]
Abdolahzadeh, Nasim
Social Differentiation and Reproduction in the Field of Education (Phenomenology of Understanding the Social Differentiation of Kurdistan University Students) [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2024, Pages 397-426]
Abdollahyan, Hamid
Studying the Everyday Life of Dollar Sellers in Sabzeh Meydan, Tehran; Resistance in Everyday Economic Life [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2022, Pages 285-322]
Abolfathi, Mohammad
Political Sociology of Population Aging [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2024, Pages 297-336]
Adeeb, Adineh
Sociological specification of life satisfaction on the bases of multiple
role-playing conflict and its individual- social consequences
among married women of Tehran municipality [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2020, Pages 37-60]
Afrasiabi, Hosein
A Qualitative Study of the Consequences of Women’s Empowerment in Kerman [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2024, Pages 367-396]
Afshani, SeyedAlireza
Lab Made Human and Genetic Family Distortion:
Fukuyama’s Challenging View on Modern Biotechnology [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2022, Pages 9-35]
Afshar, Zeinolabedin
Studying the Existence of Gemeinschaft Social Relations (Family, Friendship and Neighborhood) In the Neighborhoods of Hamedan City [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2023, Pages 231-257]
Aghabeigpouri, Hashem
A meta-analysis of research conducted on factors affecting disposition to addiction and drug abuse and preventive measures taken over 1991-2013 in Kurdistan Province with a focus on behavioral and social factors [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 99-122]
Aghabozorgizadeh, Shiva
Development of Future Scenarios of Family Values in Iran Using Wizard Scenario [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2021, Pages 63-89]
Aghaee, Seyed saeed
Investigating the correlation between participation in sport-for-all and the quality of life in elderly men and women in Tehran [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2021, Pages 185-209]
Aghayari Hir, Tavakkol
Sociological Study of the Relationship between Social Relation and Influence with the Consumption of Food away from Home (The Case of 15 Years Old and Over Citizens of Tabriz) [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 85-108]
Ahmadi, Hamin
Explaining the Phenomenon of Migration and its Causes with a Qualitative Approach (The Case of: Yazd Province) [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2024, Pages 253-296]
Ahmadi, Vakil
A Sociological Analysis on Social Capital in Kermanshah [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2020, Pages 61-91]
Ahmadi, Vakil
The Role of Value System in Cultural Consumption in Kermanshah [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2022, Pages 201-226]
Akbari, Hossein
Perception of Urban Residents towards Marginalized Populations; Coping Strategies of Residents in Affluent Areas of Mashhad City with Marginalization [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2023, Pages 205-238]
Akbarpour, Zohreh
Thematic Analysis of the Hijab Issue from the Perspective of Young Girls (in Shiraz) [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2024, Pages 179-212]
Akhwan Kazemi, Masoud
Political Sociology of Population Aging [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2024, Pages 297-336]
Alahdadi, Nouredin
Collective Identity and Attitude Towards Democracy (Comparative study between Western Europe, Middle East and emerging Asian countries) [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2023, Pages 9-40]
Alavi, Leila
Phenomenology of precarious work in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
Alikhah, Fardin
The Wedding Industry in the City of Hamedan and the Interaction and Conflict of Cultural Trends [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2024, Pages 213-255]
Alimondegari, Maliheh
Study of the consequences of unemployment on young people in Kermanshah [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2021, Pages 147-183]
Alimondegari, Maliheh
The Type of Men’s Belief in Women’s Employment: A Qualitative Study in Yazd City [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2023, Pages 9-44]
Alinejad, Manuochehr
CoachTraders: A Study of the Business Strategy of Bruges Residing in Izeh with Bakhtiari Tribes [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2021, Pages 335-362]
Alinejad, Manuochehr
A Qualitative Study of the Consequences of Women’s Empowerment in Kerman [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2024, Pages 367-396]
Alipour, Farahnaz
Female University Students' Experiences of University Dorms: A Qualitative Study [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2019, Pages 75-97]
Alipour, Parvin
Development Projects as Hegemonic Projects: Analysis of the Functions of Imagineering Policies in Border Areas (Case Study: Saqqez City) [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2020, Pages 1-36]
Aliverdinia, Akbar
A Study of Influential Factors on University Students’ Vandalism:
An Partial Test of Agnew‘s General Strain Theory [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 53-77]
Aliverdinia, Akbar
Studying the Effect of Perceptual Social Disorganization and Collective Efficacy on Deviant Behaviors [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2024, Pages 131-168]
Alizadehaghdam, Mohammad Bagher
Investigating the Role of Job Hope and Spiritual-Social Well-Being in Students’ Academic Burnout [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2023, Pages 45-76]
Almasifard, Mohammad Rasool
Explanation on the social and economic factors of deepening unemployment in Kermanshah province [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2020, Pages 117-141]
Alvani, Seyed Mehdi
Designing an Appropriate Model for Identifying the Competencies of Managers of Higher Education Institutions (Case Study of Public Universities) [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2021, Pages 9-33]
Alvari, Somaye
Sociological Study of Urban Resilient (Case Study: Yazd City) [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2021, Pages 91-117]
Amini, Abbas
Sociological Analysis of Urban Society Dynamics Based on the Strategic Spirituality of Entrepreneurs [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2024, Pages 213-252]
Amini, Yousef
Investigating the Relationship Between Social Trust and Awareness of Citizenship Rights with the Mediating Role of Political Capital (Case Study: Ahvaz Citizens) [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2023, Pages 199-230]
Study the Relationship between Organizational Justice and Organizational Commitment:
Emphasizing the Mediator Role of the Organizational Identity and Organizational Trust as Variables [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 91-124]
Amirshahi, Mirahamad
Phenomenological Explanation of the Grocery Shopping Motivations in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2021, Pages 277-307]
Amouzadeh, Mozhgan
History in the frame of Photo (Discourse analysis of Kermanshah Family Photos from Qajar to Revolution) [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2023, Pages 167-198]
Arabpour, Elham
Meta-analysis of studies of social order and cohesion in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2021, Pages 73-113]
Ardalan, Mohammad Reza
Students' experiences of using virtual social networks in terms of usefulness: studying of Cyberspace users at the University of Razi Kermanshah [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2021, Pages 243-275]
Asadi, Zahed
Discourse Analysis of Welfare and Social Security in Iran After the Islamic Revolution [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2022, Pages 89-115]
Aseh, Fariba
Micro-Politics of Social Bio-Movements / Non-Movements and Democratic Transformation [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2024, Pages 337-366]
Asgari, Ehsan
A Boolean Analysis of the Suicide Rate in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2021, Pages 119-145]
Ashayeri, Taha
Studying the Effective Factors of Tendency Towards Superstitions Among Citizens: Meta-analysis of Researches from 2009 to 2018 [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2022, Pages 359-393]
Azimi, Alireza
Explaining the Influencing Factors on Social Hope Among Tehrani Citizens [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2024, Pages 323-358]
Azimi, Gholam Reza
The Analysis Of Effective Socio-Cultural Factors On Social Commitment [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 117-151]
Azimi, Reza
The Effect of Social Capital on Economic and Political Development [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2024, Pages 9-28]
Azizi, Ahmad
Students' experiences of using virtual social networks in terms of usefulness: studying of Cyberspace users at the University of Razi Kermanshah [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2021, Pages 243-275]
Babakhani, Farhad
The Effect of Social Capital on Economic and Political Development [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2024, Pages 9-28]
Bagheri, Masoumeh
Capital and Meaning: A Sociological Study of the Impact of Social Capital on the Meaning of Life (Case Study: Employees of Fajr Persian Gulf Energy Company) [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2021, Pages 209-241]
Bagheri, Masoumeh
Modeling Students' Academic Procrastination and Coping Strategies Based On Data-Based Theory [(Articles in Press)]
Bagheriyan, Mostafa
The relationship between social capital and political participation of citizens
(Case study: Gorgan) [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2019, Pages 27-52]
Baharluoei, Maryam
Analyzing the Phenomenon of Parental Abuse Among Meybedi Families [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2024, Pages 145-178]
Bahrami, Vali
Study and comparison of social factors affecting the exclusion of Iranian and Afghan students (Case Study: Kashan Secondary School) [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2020, Pages 287-313]
Bahrani, Mortea
A Phenomenological Study of the Evolution of Relations Between Generations in the Varzajang Phenomenon [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2023, Pages 281-312]
Bakhshi, Hamed
A Survey on the Relationship Between Family and Media and Interest in Superstition Among People of Mashhad [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2022, Pages 67-98]
Bakhshi, milad
Phenomenological Explanation of the Grocery Shopping Motivations in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2021, Pages 277-307]
Balali, Esmaeel
The study of relationship among decision making and resource distribution patterns in group with intra-group conflict at university departments [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 23-49]
Balali, Esmaeel
Rehabilitation of the Disabled Challenges and Processes (The Case of Hamedan Province) [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2024, Pages 359-402]
Banifatmeh, Hossein
Development Projects as Hegemonic Projects: Analysis of the Functions of Imagineering Policies in Border Areas (Case Study: Saqqez City) [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2020, Pages 1-36]
Banihashmi, Seyed Mohsen
Qualitative Study of Family Functioning in the Era of Corona; A Case Study of Tehran City [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2024, Pages 107-143]
Baqi Nasrabadi, Ali
Reasons for tendency of young people to hanging round in Haraz Street in Amol city [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2018, Pages 51-74]
Baradaran, Morad
Collective Identity and Attitude Towards Democracy (Comparative study between Western Europe, Middle East and emerging Asian countries) [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2023, Pages 9-40]
Baradarankashani, Zahra
Technology Encounter to Childhood: A Semiotic Analysis of Children’s Role in TV Advertising [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2023, Pages 325-362]
Bayani, Farhad
Development Projects as Hegemonic Projects: Analysis of the Functions of Imagineering Policies in Border Areas (Case Study: Saqqez City) [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2020, Pages 1-36]
Bearand, Mahboubeh
A Survey on the Relationship Between Family and Media and Interest in Superstition Among People of Mashhad [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2022, Pages 67-98]
Beheshti, Seyad Samad
Cultural-Psychological Factors Related to the Attitude Towards Social Transitions (Case Study of Second Secondary Students in Yasouj City) [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2023, Pages 41-72]
Beheshti, Seyed Samad
Sociological explanation of social trust status and its influencing factors
(Case Study: Dehdasht City) [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2019, Pages 261-282]
Beheshti, Seyed Samad
Sociological Explanation of Factors Affecting the Formation of Corruption Culture (Case of Study: Citizens of Najafabadi) [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2022, Pages 99-140]
Behrooziyan, Behrooz
Study and comparison of social factors affecting the exclusion of Iranian and Afghan students (Case Study: Kashan Secondary School) [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2020, Pages 287-313]
Boostani, Daryosh
A Qualitative Study of the Consequences of Women’s Empowerment in Kerman [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2024, Pages 367-396]
Boudaghi, ali
Analytical Review on Conflation of Agency and Structure in the thought of Pierre Bourdieu [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2015, Pages 117-143]
Boudaghi, Ali
Capital and Meaning: A Sociological Study of the Impact of Social Capital on the Meaning of Life (Case Study: Employees of Fajr Persian Gulf Energy Company) [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2021, Pages 209-241]
Boudaghi, Ali
Modeling Students' Academic Procrastination and Coping Strategies Based On Data-Based Theory [(Articles in Press)]
Bozorgi, Mohammad Reza
Sociological Analysis of Urban Society Dynamics Based on the Strategic Spirituality of Entrepreneurs [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2024, Pages 213-252]
Chavoshi, Seyyed Rasoul
Investigating Social Factors Affecting Students' Social Vitality, Mental Health and Life Satisfaction from the Perspective of Experts (A Qualitative Study) [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2021, Pages 175-208]
Danafar, Fatemah
Phenomenology of Male Identity in Beauty Centers: From Identity Construction to Fashionable Hegemony [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2022, Pages 323-358]
Danesh, Parvaneh
Experimental test of the relationship between institutional anomie and violent crime in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2020, Pages 261-286]
Dehghanan, Hamed
The relationship between stereotyping, perceived discrimination and organizational justice among nurses [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2020, Pages 123-139]
Dehghanpouri, Houriyhe
Investigating Social Factors Affecting Students' Social Vitality, Mental Health and Life Satisfaction from the Perspective of Experts (A Qualitative Study) [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2021, Pages 175-208]
Ebadollhi, Hamid
Professors and Typology of Time: Phenomenological Studying of the Experience of Time among Faculty Members of University of Guilan [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2024, Pages 257-287]
Eekhterraei, Faramarz
Mechanism of Knowledge and Power in Fitness: A Sociological Study of the Use of Energizing Drugs in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2021, Pages 303-333]
Eftekhari Khorasani, Fatemeh
Technology Encounter to Childhood: A Semiotic Analysis of Children’s Role in TV Advertising [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2023, Pages 325-362]
Eimaniyan, Masoud
A Survey on the Relationship Between Family and Media and Interest in Superstition Among People of Mashhad [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2022, Pages 67-98]
Enayat, Halimeh
Study of Factors Influencing Early Divorce among Urban Bushehr Youth
(Comparing Two Groups of Divorced and Not-Divorced) [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 1-35]
Esmail Riahi, Mohammad
A Sociological Analysis of Students' Reference Groups at Mazandaran University [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 79-106]
Faizolahi, Ali
Experimental test of the relationship between institutional anomie and violent crime in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2020, Pages 261-286]
Falakodin, Zahra
Lifestyle and responsible environmental behavior among citizens of Khorramabad and Yazd [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2020, Pages 141-172]
Falakodin, Zahra
Policy-Making and Promotion of Humanitarian Action in Crises; Study of Student Groups Being Active in the COVID 19 Pandemic [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2021, Pages 147-174]
Fallah Haghighi, Negin
Explaining the Phenomenon of Migration and its Causes with a Qualitative Approach (The Case of: Yazd Province) [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2024, Pages 253-296]
Farahmand, Mahnaz
Phenomenology of Male Identity in Beauty Centers: From Identity Construction to Fashionable Hegemony [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2022, Pages 323-358]
Farahmand, Mahnaz
Analyzing the Phenomenon of Parental Abuse Among Meybedi Families [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2024, Pages 145-178]
Farzadseyar, Kamran
Designing an Appropriate Model for Identifying the Competencies of Managers of Higher Education Institutions (Case Study of Public Universities) [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2021, Pages 9-33]
Fateminia, Mohamad Ali
Sociological Explanation of National Loyalty Among Teachers in Tehran [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2023, Pages 97-132]
Fatemi Nia, Siavash
The Analysis Of Effective Socio-Cultural Factors On Social Commitment [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 117-151]
Fazelipour, Seyedeh Mona
Meta-Synthesis of Social Entrepreneurship Development Models [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2024, Pages 403-433]
Fereydooni, Mohammad Reza
Network society and the problem of spiritual training in religious political systems [(Articles in Press)]
Fesharaki, Farzad
The relationship between stereotyping, perceived discrimination and organizational justice among nurses [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2020, Pages 123-139]
Foroutan, Yaghoob
Urban – Rural Convergence of Demographic Attitudes [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2021, Pages 243-268]
Fouladiyan, Majid
Perception of Urban Residents towards Marginalized Populations; Coping Strategies of Residents in Affluent Areas of Mashhad City with Marginalization [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2023, Pages 205-238]
Ganji, Mohammad
Typology Of Lifestyles With Emphasis On The Role Of Media Among Women In Shiraz [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2019, Pages 155-189]
Ghaderzadeh, Omid
The Situation of Social Capital in Kurdistan Province; Injuries, Strategies and Programs to Strengthen the Social Capital [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2022, Pages 9-41]
Ghadimi, Bahram
Investigating the correlation between participation in sport-for-all and the quality of life in elderly men and women in Tehran [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2021, Pages 185-209]
Gharayagh-Zandi, Davoud
Multiculturalism in the Philosophical and Political Thoughts; a Possibility to Live in Well-Being [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2023, Pages 343-370]
Ghasemi, Asemeh
Analyzing the Attitude Towards the Meaning of Child in Contemporary Identities (Case Study of Young Couples in Tehran) [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2023, Pages 297-324]
Ghasemi, Asemeh
Qualitative Study of Family Functioning in the Era of Corona; A Case Study of Tehran City [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2024, Pages 107-143]
Ghasemi, vahid
The development and measurability of social tolerance scale based on structuration theory of Giddens in Isfahan [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2018, Pages 135-160]
Ghasemi, vahid
Ethnic perception of social justice and its relevance to John Rawls' theory of justice (Case study: Sunni Kurds of Iran) [(Articles in Press)]
Ghasemi, Vahid
A Paradigmatic Model of Tax Culture among Taxpayers in the City of Isfahan
(Qualitative Research in Economic Sociology) [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2020, Pages 1-35]
Ghasemi, Vahid
National Identity in Iranian Society and its Challenges and Problems: Systematic Review of Quantitative Scientific-Research Articles (1998-2019) [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2022, Pages 177-199]
Ghasemzadeh, Zahra
A Qualitative Study of the Consequences of Women’s Empowerment in Kerman [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2024, Pages 367-396]
Ghiyasi, Mojdeh
Prediction of Emotional Intelligence and Attachment Styles based on Multicultural Experiences [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2023, Pages 107-139]
Ghodsi, Ali Mohammad
The Sociological Study of the Relationship Between Social capital and histrionic personality disorders in students [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 51-69]
Gholamikotnaee, Korosh
A survey on the effect of family social capital on youth addiction (Qaemshahr) [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 115-139]
Gholami Koutenaee, Korosh
Sociological Study of Job Satisfaction as a Factor of Organizational Development [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2022, Pages 261-284]
Gholipour, Siavash
The Social Changes of the Turkashvand Tribe in the Context of Contemporary Gistory [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2023, Pages 141-166]
Gholizadeh, Aliakbar
The effects of Housing price on marriage in urban arias of IRAN [(Articles in Press)]
Ghorbani, Babak
Effective Factors on Pro-Environmental Consumers’ Behaviors: Case Study of En-vironmental NGOs at Mashhad, Iran [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2022, Pages 295-320]
Ghorbannejadsharoudi, Yadollah
A survey on the effect of family social capital on youth addiction (Qaemshahr) [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 115-139]
Ghpolipoor, Siawash
A Sociological Analysis on Social Capital in Kermanshah [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2020, Pages 61-91]
Golabi, Fatemeh
Investigating Integration in Norbert Elias’Process Sociology [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2023, Pages 73-96]
Haghi, Mohammad Reza
Measuring the Satisfaction of Residents of Informal Settlements with Social Development Indicators, Case Study: Hamedan City [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2024, Pages 37-60]
Haghighatian, Mansour
Sociological Study of Cultural Particularism Among Citizens of Hamedan and Presenting Theoretical Model [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2022, Pages 141-172]
Haghighi, Hojattolah
Analyzing the Phenomenon of Parental Abuse Among Meybedi Families [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2024, Pages 145-178]
HajizadehmeymandI, Masoud
Lifestyle and responsible environmental behavior among citizens of Khorramabad and Yazd [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2020, Pages 141-172]
Hasani, Mohammad Reza
Studying the Effect of Perceptual Social Disorganization and Collective Efficacy on Deviant Behaviors [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2024, Pages 131-168]
Hashemian, Leila
Investigating the Effect of Gender on Content in Goli Taraghi’s Works Based on Lakoff Theory [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2022, Pages 71-88]
Hashemikhah, Zeinab
Lab Made Human and Genetic Family Distortion:
Fukuyama’s Challenging View on Modern Biotechnology [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2022, Pages 9-35]
Hashemiyan far, Seyed Ali
The Sociological Interpretation and Explanation of the Symbols of Femininity in
Isfahan Women 's Body Reproduction [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2019, Pages 311-345]
Hassanzadeh, Zahra
Studying the Effective Factors of Tendency Towards Superstitions Among Citizens: Meta-analysis of Researches from 2009 to 2018 [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2022, Pages 359-393]
Heidari, Arman
Cultural-Psychological Factors Related to the Attitude Towards Social Transitions (Case Study of Second Secondary Students in Yasouj City) [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2023, Pages 41-72]
Heidarzadeh, Ehsan
Measuring the Satisfaction of Residents of Informal Settlements with Social Development Indicators, Case Study: Hamedan City [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2024, Pages 37-60]
Heidarzadeh, Kambiz
Phenomenological Explanation of the Grocery Shopping Motivations in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2021, Pages 277-307]
Hejazi, Seyed Naser
Designing a Model of Marital infidelity in Neishabour City with Social Exclusion Approach [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2024, Pages 59-94]
Hejazifar, Ali
Sociological Study of Cultural Particularism Among Citizens of Hamedan and Presenting Theoretical Model [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2022, Pages 141-172]
Hemayatkhah, Mojtaba
A Survey on Religious Relations and Work Ethics (Case study: Medical staff of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences) [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2020, Pages 93-116]
Hemayatkhah, Mojtaba
Thematic Analysis of the Hijab Issue from the Perspective of Young Girls (in Shiraz) [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2024, Pages 179-212]
Hemmati, Reza
An Analysis of The Quality of University Life of Foreign Students at The University of Isfahan [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2022, Pages 117-145]
Hesme, Samira
Sociological examination of threats and opportunities related to shift work of medical married personnel of Tehran hospitals [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2019, Pages 191-228]
Heydar Abadi, Abolghasem
Investigating the effect of social and economic capitals on the choice of food patterns of Tehran citizens [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2020, Pages 143-160]
Heydari, Mohammad
A Paradigmatic Model of Tax Culture among Taxpayers in the City of Isfahan
(Qualitative Research in Economic Sociology) [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2020, Pages 1-35]
Heydari, Mohammad
Ethnic perception of social justice and its relevance to John Rawls' theory of justice (Case study: Sunni Kurds of Iran) [(Articles in Press)]
Heydari, Mostafa
A Sociological Analysis of Students' Reference Groups at Mazandaran University [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 79-106]
Heydarpour, Sakineh
Investigating Integration in Norbert Elias’Process Sociology [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2023, Pages 73-96]
Hooshmand, Mehrdad
Qualitative Analysis of Factors and Contexts of Violence Against Women Using Grounded Theory Method [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2023, Pages 371-398]
Hosaini, Namdar
Sociological analysis of the social and individual contexts and factors of domestic violence (Case study of victims of domestic violence in the cities of Zadeh, Tazeh, Abad and Javanrood) [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2021, Pages 27-49]
Hosseini, Mohamreza
Data analysis of the foundation of the process of formation of marital infidelity [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2021, Pages 51-72]
Hosseini, Parveen
Investigating the degree of tendency towards superstitions and the factors affecting it among the women of Marivan city [(Articles in Press)]
Hosseini Ghomi, Mojgan
Changes of Social Structur of Tehran’s Bazaar [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 85-113]
Hosseinzade, Ali Hussein
Analysis of the Process of Reducing Interactions and Communication between Family Members and Between Families and Its Results [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2022, Pages 147-176]
Hossein Zade, saied
Meta-analysis of studies on the relationship between lifestyle and social identity in Iran (In the decade of 1388-1398) [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2020, Pages 161-182]
Hosseinzadeh, Alihossein
The Study of Some Effective Factors on Individualistic Actions [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 37-52]
Hossenzadeh, Ali Hossein
Investigating the Relationship Between Social Trust and Awareness of Citizenship Rights with the Mediating Role of Political Capital (Case Study: Ahvaz Citizens) [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2023, Pages 199-230]
Iman, Mohammadtaghi
A Paradigmatic Model of Tax Culture among Taxpayers in the City of Isfahan
(Qualitative Research in Economic Sociology) [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2020, Pages 1-35]
Iman, Mohammad Taghi
The development and measurability of social tolerance scale based on structuration theory of Giddens in Isfahan [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2018, Pages 135-160]
Isamaleki,, Amir
A Comparative Study Of The Phenomenon Of Social Malingering And Its Contexts Of Formation From The Perspective Of Social Scientists And Common People* [(Articles in Press)]
Isamanesh, Ghasem
Capital and Meaning: A Sociological Study of the Impact of Social Capital on the Meaning of Life (Case Study: Employees of Fajr Persian Gulf Energy Company) [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2021, Pages 209-241]
Isazadeh, Saeid
Development of Job Opportunities and Social Effects of “One Village, One Product” Model (OVOP)
(Case study of Giveh Weaving Activity in Hajij Village) [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2021, Pages 335-360]
Jahandideh, Sina
Professors and Typology of Time: Phenomenological Studying of the Experience of Time among Faculty Members of University of Guilan [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2024, Pages 257-287]
Jahangirzadeh, Javad
Investigating the Social Livability of Rural Settlements (Case Study: Villages of Chaharborj County) [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2023, Pages 313-341]
Jahanparvar, Tahereh
Studying the Effective Factors of Tendency Towards Superstitions Among Citizens: Meta-analysis of Researches from 2009 to 2018 [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2022, Pages 359-393]
Jahanparvar, Tahereh
A comprehensive study of the reasons for the repetition of criminal behavior among people sentenced to prison [(Articles in Press)]
Jalaeian Bakhshande, Vajihe
The development and measurability of social tolerance scale based on structuration theory of Giddens in Isfahan [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2018, Pages 135-160]
Jameh Shoorany, Maryam
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Studies on Societal Security in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2020, Pages 183-207]
Jamshidi, Alireza
Reconstructing the Meaning of the Entrepreneurship as Creating Value and Gaining Social Benefit: A Qualitative Research from the Perspective of NGOs Managers [(Articles in Press)]
Janalizadeh Choubbasti, Heidar
A Sociological Analysis of Students' Reference Groups at Mazandaran University [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 79-106]
Jandaghi, Fatmeh
The relationship between social capital and political participation of citizens
(Case study: Gorgan) [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2019, Pages 27-52]
Javadi, Ali Mohammad
Collective Identity and Attitude Towards Democracy (Comparative study between Western Europe, Middle East and emerging Asian countries) [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2023, Pages 9-40]
Javanmard, Karamollah
Qualitative study of Telegram's role-playing process
(On the emotional relationships of couples aged 15-15 in Boroujerd) [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2020, Pages 173-200]
Kabiri, Afshar
Sociological Analysis the Consumption Style of Urmia Citizens [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2021, Pages 211-241]
Kabiri, Afshar
Investigating the Social Livability of Rural Settlements (Case Study: Villages of Chaharborj County) [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2023, Pages 313-341]
Kahrobaee, Ahmad
Studying the Everyday Life of Dollar Sellers in Sabzeh Meydan, Tehran; Resistance in Everyday Economic Life [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2022, Pages 285-322]
Kalateh sadati, Ahmad
The Type of Men’s Belief in Women’s Employment: A Qualitative Study in Yazd City [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2023, Pages 9-44]
Kalateh Sadati, Ahmad
Policy-Making and Promotion of Humanitarian Action in Crises; Study of Student Groups Being Active in the COVID 19 Pandemic [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2021, Pages 147-174]
Kanani, Mohammad Amin
Media, internalization of norms and body image (A study among the Students of Guilan University) [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 1-27]
Karamzadeh, Ranginnegar
The Role of Cultural Capital on Health-Oriented Lifestyle (Case of Study: 20-49 Year Old citizens of Damghan City) [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2023, Pages 133-164]
Karbakhsh Zadeh, Fatemeh
Female University Students' Experiences of University Dorms: A Qualitative Study [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2019, Pages 75-97]
Kargar Shoraki, Mohammad Reza
Study of the consequences of unemployment on young people in Kermanshah [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2021, Pages 147-183]
Karimi, Jalil
Urban Indigents
(Historical and Demographic Review on suburbia in Kermanshah) [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2018, Pages 1-26]
Karimi, Jalil
A Sociological Analysis on Social Capital in Kermanshah [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2020, Pages 61-91]
Karimi, Jalil
The Role of Value System in Cultural Consumption in Kermanshah [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2022, Pages 201-226]
Karimi, Jalil
History in the frame of Photo (Discourse analysis of Kermanshah Family Photos from Qajar to Revolution) [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2023, Pages 167-198]
Karimi, Kambiz
Investigating the Relationship between Marital Satisfaction, Marital Adjustment, and Cultural Perspective of Feminism in Married Women [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2024, Pages 9-36]
Karimi, Majidreza
The Effect of the Media Using on Women’s Attitude toward childbearing, Jahrom [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2020, Pages 67-87]
Kermani, Mahdi
A Survey on the Relationship Between Family and Media and Interest in Superstition Among People of Mashhad [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2022, Pages 67-98]
Kermani, Mahdi
Technology Encounter to Childhood: A Semiotic Analysis of Children’s Role in TV Advertising [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2023, Pages 325-362]
Keshavarz Afshar, Hossein
Phenomenology of Female-Headed Household’s Perception of Self-Concept in Both
Private and Public Spheres [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2022, Pages 251-293]
Khadem, Hamedeh
A Survey on Religious Relations and Work Ethics (Case study: Medical staff of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences) [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2020, Pages 93-116]
Khani hanjani, Najme
Reasons for tendency of young people to hanging round in Haraz Street in Amol city [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2018, Pages 51-74]
Kharazi mohamadvandi Azar, Zahra
Effective Ethnic Components in National Branding of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2024, Pages 95-130]
Khorasani, Mohamad
Meta-Analysis of Studies on the Relationship Between Social Capital and Happiness [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2023, Pages 259-295]
Khoshfar, Gholamreza
The relationship between social capital and political participation of citizens
(Case study: Gorgan) [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2019, Pages 27-52]
Khoshnod, Hasan
Critical Discourse Analysis of Corruption in the Iranian Press of the 1990s [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2022, Pages 43-70]
Khoskalam, Narges
Qualitative study of Telegram's role-playing process
(On the emotional relationships of couples aged 15-15 in Boroujerd) [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2020, Pages 173-200]
Kohansal khoob, Ehsan
Sociological explanation of social trust status and its influencing factors
(Case Study: Dehdasht City) [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2019, Pages 261-282]
Kokabi Zaker, Somayeh
Reasons, contexts and consequences of underage marriage from standpoint of married school girls [(Articles in Press)]
Kolahi, Mahdi
Effective Factors on Pro-Environmental Consumers’ Behaviors: Case Study of En-vironmental NGOs at Mashhad, Iran [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2022, Pages 295-320]
Kordani, Sajad
Effective Ethnic Components in National Branding of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2024, Pages 95-130]
Lotfi Yamchi, Khadijeh
Investigating Social Factors Affecting Students' Social Vitality, Mental Health and Life Satisfaction from the Perspective of Experts (A Qualitative Study) [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2021, Pages 175-208]
Madani, Yaser
Phenomenology of Female-Headed Household’s Perception of Self-Concept in Both
Private and Public Spheres [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2022, Pages 251-293]
Maher, Zahra
Reflexivity and Mistrust: Isfahan Citizens’ Experience of Living in Corona Conditions [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2024, Pages 61-106]
Mahmoudi, Zeinab
The Study of Some Effective Factors on Individualistic Actions [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 37-52]
Mahmoudian, Hossein
Determinants in the women’s migration to Hamedan [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 61-83]
Mahmudzade, Morteza
Sociological Analysis of Stratification and Social Mobility (Case Study of Khoy City) [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2023, Pages 239-280]
Makouee, Sevil
Multiculturalism in the Philosophical and Political Thoughts; a Possibility to Live in Well-Being [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2023, Pages 343-370]
Malek mohmmadi, Fatemeh
From the Hole to the Well (An Interdisciplinary and Integrative View of Contemporary Sociology on Double Poverty and Quality of Life in Tehran) [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2024, Pages 169-212]
Malmir, Mehdi
Fear of Crime and Contraction of Public Space [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 143-163]
Mardanpur Shahr Kordi, Elham
The Sociological Study of the Relationship Between Social capital and histrionic personality disorders in students [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 51-69]
Mayani, Mohadeseh
Meta-Analysis of Studies on the Relationship Between Social Capital and Happiness [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2023, Pages 259-295]
Mazrouei, Esmaeil
Development of Future Scenarios of Family Values in Iran Using Wizard Scenario [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2021, Pages 63-89]
Memarzadeh, Abolfazl
Religiosity and Environmentalism: An Empirical Reflection on Theoretical Conflicts [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2020, Pages 89-121]
Mirdar, Bita
Studying the Effect of Perceptual Social Disorganization and Collective Efficacy on Deviant Behaviors [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2024, Pages 131-168]
Miri, Razyeh
Study of the consequences of unemployment on young people in Kermanshah [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2021, Pages 147-183]
Miri-Manigh, Seyyed Javad
Re-reading the Historical Sociology of Shariati’s Narrative of Shiism in the Safavid [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2023, Pages 363-380]
Mir Mohamad Tabar, Ahmad
Studying the Existence of Gemeinschaft Social Relations (Family, Friendship and Neighborhood) In the Neighborhoods of Hamedan City [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2023, Pages 231-257]
Mirzaeifar, Davod
Prediction of Emotional Intelligence and Attachment Styles based on Multicultural Experiences [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2023, Pages 107-139]
Moaven, Zahra
Critical Discourse Analysis of Corruption in the Iranian Press of the 1990s [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2022, Pages 43-70]
Mobaraki, Mohammad
The Analysis Of Effective Socio-Cultural Factors On Social Commitment [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 117-151]
Mobaraki, Mohammad
Sociological Analysis of Stratification and Social Mobility (Case Study of Khoy City) [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2023, Pages 239-280]
Mobaraki, MohammadM
Sociological Study of Urban Resilient (Case Study: Yazd City) [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2021, Pages 91-117]
Mohajeri, Asghar
From the Hole to the Well (An Interdisciplinary and Integrative View of Contemporary Sociology on Double Poverty and Quality of Life in Tehran) [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2024, Pages 169-212]
Mohajeri, Mohammad
Investigating the effect of social and economic capitals on the choice of food patterns of Tehran citizens [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2020, Pages 143-160]
Mohamadi, Jamal
The expeience of the youth and the production of social space: critical ethnography of the flanour in urban spaces (case study: Sanandaj) [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2018, Pages 45-69]
Mohamadifar, Yousef
Explanation on the social and economic factors of deepening unemployment in Kermanshah province [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2020, Pages 117-141]
Mohammadbeyghi, Zohre
Women in the consumer society: case study of Ilam city [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2020, Pages 235-259]
Mohammadi, Asghar
Sociological examination of threats and opportunities related to shift work of medical married personnel of Tehran hospitals [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2019, Pages 191-228]
Mohammadi, Asghar
Sociological Study of Cultural Particularism Among Citizens of Hamedan and Presenting Theoretical Model [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2022, Pages 141-172]
Mohammadi, Asghar
Designing a Model of Marital infidelity in Neishabour City with Social Exclusion Approach [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2024, Pages 59-94]
Mohammadi, Farshad
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Studies on Societal Security in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2020, Pages 183-207]
Mohammadi, Mahla
Perception of Urban Residents towards Marginalized Populations; Coping Strategies of Residents in Affluent Areas of Mashhad City with Marginalization [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2023, Pages 205-238]
Mohammadi, Mohammad Amin
An Analysis of The Quality of University Life of Foreign Students at The University of Isfahan [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2022, Pages 117-145]
Mohammadi kangarani, Hananeh
The Sociological Interpretation and Explanation of the Symbols of Femininity in
Isfahan Women 's Body Reproduction [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2019, Pages 311-345]
Mohammad Mirzaei, Maryam
Data analysis of the foundation of the process of formation of marital infidelity [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2021, Pages 51-72]
Mohammadpour, Ebrahim
Sociological Study of the Relationship between Social Relation and Influence with the Consumption of Food away from Home (The Case of 15 Years Old and Over Citizens of Tabriz) [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 85-108]
Mohseni Tabrizi, Ali Reza
Explanation of Sociological of Effect Advertising in Internet Sites on User’s Economical Behavior, Among Citizens of the City of Zanjan [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 31-64]
Moidfar, Saeed
Experimental test of the relationship between institutional anomie and violent crime in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2020, Pages 261-286]
Moltafet, Hossein
Analysis of the Process of Reducing Interactions and Communication between Family Members and Between Families and Its Results [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2022, Pages 147-176]
Moltafet, Hossein
Meta-Synthesis of Social Entrepreneurship Development Models [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2024, Pages 403-433]
Mombeini, Mohammad Ali
National Identity in Iranian Society and its Challenges and Problems: Systematic Review of Quantitative Scientific-Research Articles (1998-2019) [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2022, Pages 177-199]
Mombeni, Iman
The Study of Some Effective Factors on Individualistic Actions [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 37-52]
Moradi, Ali
Understanding the Relationship between Understanding Organizational Justice and Work Ethic Case study: Cement workers in Ilam province [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2019, Pages 183-208]
Moradi, Golmorad
Provision of social responsibility tool and Estimate Reliability and Validity [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 93-116]
Moradi, Samira
Political Sociology of Population Aging [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2024, Pages 297-336]
Moradkhani, Homayon
The Social Changes of the Turkashvand Tribe in the Context of Contemporary Gistory [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2023, Pages 141-166]
Moradkhani, Homayoun
Women in the consumer society: case study of Ilam city [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2020, Pages 235-259]
Moradkhani, Homayoun
Generational Perceptions of the Identitity by Kermanshahs’ Graduates [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2021, Pages 269-302]
Mortazavi, Seyed Khodayar
A Phenomenological Study of the Evolution of Relations Between Generations in the Varzajang Phenomenon [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2023, Pages 281-312]
Mostafa, Shima
Generational Perceptions of the Identitity by Kermanshahs’ Graduates [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2021, Pages 269-302]
Motlagh, Massoumeh
Qualitative Analysis of Factors and Contexts of Violence Against Women Using Grounded Theory Method [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2023, Pages 371-398]
Moulaie, Jaber
Analysis of the Process of Reducing Interactions and Communication between Family Members and Between Families and Its Results [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2022, Pages 147-176]
Mousavi, Seyed Hashem
The Wedding Industry in the City of Hamedan and the Interaction and Conflict of Cultural Trends [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2024, Pages 213-255]
Mousavian, Seyede Atiye
The comparative survey of place attachment to improve social resilience
(Cases study: Aghajani-Beyg, Motekhassesin and Hesar-e-Imam in Hamedan city) [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2020, Pages 37-66]
Movahedmajd, Majid
Critical Discourse Analysis of Corruption in the Iranian Press of the 1990s [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2022, Pages 43-70]
Naghdi, Asad
An investigating on the mental notions of female students living in student campuses: A Case Study of Farzanegan Female Student campuses at Bou- Ali Sina University [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2019, Pages 53-73]
Naghdi, Asadallah
The comparative survey of place attachment to improve social resilience
(Cases study: Aghajani-Beyg, Motekhassesin and Hesar-e-Imam in Hamedan city) [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2020, Pages 37-66]
Naghdi, Asadollah
Parents Education Pattern from Point of Youth View [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 153-173]
Naghdi, Assadollah
Rehabilitation of the Disabled Challenges and Processes (The Case of Hamedan Province) [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2024, Pages 359-402]
Najafi asl, Abdollah
Study of Factors Influencing Early Divorce among Urban Bushehr Youth
(Comparing Two Groups of Divorced and Not-Divorced) [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 1-35]
Naraghi-Manesh, Moslem
Cultural-Psychological Factors Related to the Attitude Towards Social Transitions (Case Study of Second Secondary Students in Yasouj City) [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2023, Pages 41-72]
Navabi, Aida
Mechanism of Knowledge and Power in Fitness: A Sociological Study of the Use of Energizing Drugs in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2021, Pages 303-333]
Navabkhsh, Mehrdad
From the Hole to the Well (An Interdisciplinary and Integrative View of Contemporary Sociology on Double Poverty and Quality of Life in Tehran) [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2024, Pages 169-212]
Navah, Abdolreza
Capital and Meaning: A Sociological Study of the Impact of Social Capital on the Meaning of Life (Case Study: Employees of Fajr Persian Gulf Energy Company) [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2021, Pages 209-241]
Navah, Abdolreza
Meta-Synthesis of Social Entrepreneurship Development Models [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2024, Pages 403-433]
Niazi, Mohsen
Development of Future Scenarios of Family Values in Iran Using Wizard Scenario [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2021, Pages 63-89]
Niazi, Mohsen
Meta-Analysis of Studies on the Relationship Between Social Capital and Happiness [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2023, Pages 259-295]
Nikbakhsh, Bahram
Polarization of the political leanings of moderation and fundamentalism of the citizens according to the amount of social capital in the elections of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2020, Pages 207-234]
Nikvarz, Taybeh
Modeling Students' Academic Procrastination and Coping Strategies Based On Data-Based Theory [(Articles in Press)]
Noghani Dokht Bahmani, Mohsen
Technology Encounter to Childhood: A Semiotic Analysis of Children’s Role in TV Advertising [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2023, Pages 325-362]
Noorian Nagaf Abadi, Mohammad
Sociological Explanation of Factors Affecting the Formation of Corruption Culture (Case of Study: Citizens of Najafabadi) [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2022, Pages 99-140]
Pahlavan, Manouchehr
Factors Affecting the Unemployment of Graduates Western Islamic Azad Universities of Mazandaran Province [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2022, Pages 37-66]
Pakizeh, Elaheh
Rehabilitation of the Disabled Challenges and Processes (The Case of Hamedan Province) [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2024, Pages 359-402]
Pakseresht, Soleiman
Assessment of Social Impacts of Urban Regeneration in Atabak Neighborhood [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 107-141]
Parnian, Shideh
Explaining the Influencing Factors on Social Hope Among Tehrani Citizens [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2024, Pages 323-358]
Pirahari, Nayer
Explaining the Influencing Factors on Social Hope Among Tehrani Citizens [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2024, Pages 323-358]
Poolaee, Atefeh
Qualitative Study of Family Functioning in the Era of Corona; A Case Study of Tehran City [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2024, Pages 107-143]
Poorebrahimabadi, Maboobeh
Analysis of the marital experiences of the spouse's child: Emotional-intellectual and powerless fusion [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2021, Pages 115-145]
Qaemizadeh, Mohammad Salman
Sociological Analysis of Stratification and Social Mobility (Case Study of Khoy City) [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2023, Pages 239-280]
Rabani Khorasghani, Ali
Presentation of paradigm model Investigating the condition of the children residing in prison with their mothers [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 65-83]
Rabbani-Khorasgani, Ali
National Identity in Iranian Society and its Challenges and Problems: Systematic Review of Quantitative Scientific-Research Articles (1998-2019) [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2022, Pages 177-199]
Rabiei, Ali
Discourse Analysis of Welfare and Social Security in Iran After the Islamic Revolution [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2022, Pages 89-115]
Rabiei, Kamran
Modernization and Attitude Change: Comparing and Analyzing the Attitudes of Urban and Rural Women toward Jobs (Case Study: Isfahan Province) [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2019, Pages 99-127]
Rad-Akbari, Flora
Factors Affecting the Unemployment of Graduates Western Islamic Azad Universities of Mazandaran Province [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2022, Pages 37-66]
Raghfar, Hossein
Mechanism of Knowledge and Power in Fitness: A Sociological Study of the Use of Energizing Drugs in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2021, Pages 303-333]
Rahimi, Parviz
The Survey of relationship between social trust and social participation amongNoorabad-Lorestan citizens [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 71-91]
Rahmani, Sahar
A Study of Influential Factors on University Students’ Vandalism:
An Partial Test of Agnew‘s General Strain Theory [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 53-77]
Rahmani Firoozjah, Ali
Investigating the effect of social and economic capitals on the choice of food patterns of Tehran citizens [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2020, Pages 143-160]
Rahmati, Abbas
Female University Students' Experiences of University Dorms: A Qualitative Study [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2019, Pages 75-97]
Raji, zahra
A study on residents'' support for tourism development: the case of Guilds in Qum city [(Articles in Press)]
Rasekh, Keramatollah
The Effect of the Media Using on Women’s Attitude toward childbearing, Jahrom [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2020, Pages 67-87]
Rashid, Khosro
Determining the Role of Communication Variables in Predicting Emotional Divorce [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 133-151]
Rashid, Khosro
Investigating the Relationship between Marital Satisfaction, Marital Adjustment, and Cultural Perspective of Feminism in Married Women [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2024, Pages 9-36]
Rashidi, Farhad
The study of relationship among decision making and resource distribution patterns in group with intra-group conflict at university departments [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 23-49]
Rasouli, Mohammadreza
The Role of Social Media in the Future of Iranian Ethnic Identities [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2022, Pages 321-346]
Rasoulzadeh Aghdam, Samad
The Analysis of social media roles towards to modern lifestyle among Iranian youth [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2015, Pages 33-60]
Rasoulzadeh Aghdam, Samad
A Sociological Study of the Relationship between Social Capital and Cultural Deviance (Case Study: Undergraduate Students of Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University) [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2018, Pages 23-43]
Razeghi Nasrabad, Hajiieh Bibi
Study of the consequences of unemployment on young people in Kermanshah [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2021, Pages 147-183]
Renani, Mohsen
A Paradigmatic Model of Tax Culture among Taxpayers in the City of Isfahan
(Qualitative Research in Economic Sociology) [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2020, Pages 1-35]
Rezaei, Maryam
Migration Aspiration of Iranians and Its Determinants [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2021, Pages 35-62]
Rezai, Rayehe
Assessment of Social Impacts of Urban Regeneration in Atabak Neighborhood [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 107-141]
Rezanezhad, Hossein
Sociological Explanation of National Loyalty Among Teachers in Tehran [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2023, Pages 97-132]
Roshanaei, Ali
Qualitative Analysis of Factors and Contexts of Violence Against Women Using Grounded Theory Method [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2023, Pages 371-398]
Roshanpour, Mojtaba
Shuti: bread for life (case study of Khorramabad city) [(Articles in Press)]
Rueen tan, Mahbubeh
An investigating on the mental notions of female students living in student campuses: A Case Study of Farzanegan Female Student campuses at Bou- Ali Sina University [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2019, Pages 53-73]
Rueentan, Mahbubeh
Rehabilitation of the Disabled Challenges and Processes (The Case of Hamedan Province) [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2024, Pages 359-402]
Saadabadi, Ali Asghar
Meta-Synthesis of Social Entrepreneurship Development Models [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2024, Pages 403-433]
Saadati, Mousa
Bourdieu Analysis of the Role of Economic and Cultural Capital in Explaining Mental Health [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2023, Pages 77-106]
Sabzeei, Mohammad taghi
Women in the consumer society: case study of Ilam city [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2020, Pages 235-259]
Sabzehei, Mohammad Taghi
The Survey of relationship between social trust and social participation amongNoorabad-Lorestan citizens [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 71-91]
Sabzehei, Mohammad Taghi
Investigating the effect of social capital on the social resilience of villagers in the ciologyenvironmental risks (with an emphasis on the drought)
Case study: villages of sub-strict Badar of Ravansar in 2018 [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2019, Pages 283-310]
Sabzehei, Mohammad Taghi
Generational Perceptions of the Identitity by Kermanshahs’ Graduates [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2021, Pages 269-302]
Sabzehei, Mohammad Taghi
Reasons, contexts and consequences of underage marriage from standpoint of married school girls [(Articles in Press)]
Sadafi, Zabih Allah
Explanation of Sociological of Effect Advertising in Internet Sites on User’s Economical Behavior, Among Citizens of the City of Zanjan [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 31-64]
Sadeghi, Rasoul
Gender and Migration: A Sociological Analysis of Gender Differentials in Internal Migration in Iran [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 55-78]
Sadeghi, Rasoul
Migration Aspiration of Iranians and Its Determinants [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2021, Pages 35-62]
Sadrnabavi, Fatemeh
Globalization of Culture and its Impact on Women’s Attitude to the Concept of Freedom [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2024, Pages 289-322]
Saedi, Mahdie
The phenomenological understanding of the lived experiences of transsexuals in the city of Mashhad (a qualitative study) [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2021, Pages 1-26]
Saei, Marziyeh
Investigating the Role of Job Hope and Spiritual-Social Well-Being in Students’ Academic Burnout [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2023, Pages 45-76]
Saeidipour, Bahman
Provision of social responsibility tool and Estimate Reliability and Validity [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 93-116]
Safiri, Khadijeh
Sociological analysis of the social and individual contexts and factors of domestic violence (Case study of victims of domestic violence in the cities of Zadeh, Tazeh, Abad and Javanrood) [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2021, Pages 27-49]
Sahabi, Jalil
Consequences associated with entry of technology to Kurdish populated areas of Southern Azerbaijan Province [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 1-22]
Sahabi, Jalil
A meta-analysis of research conducted on factors affecting disposition to addiction and drug abuse and preventive measures taken over 1991-2013 in Kurdistan Province with a focus on behavioral and social factors [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 99-122]
Sajedi, Fatemeh
Sociological Study of Job Satisfaction as a Factor of Organizational Development [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2022, Pages 261-284]
Sakhaei, Ayoub
Meta-Analysis of Studies on the Relationship Between Social Capital and Happiness [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2023, Pages 259-295]
Sakhaie, Yaqub
Meta-analysis of studies on the relationship between lifestyle and social identity in Iran (In the decade of 1388-1398) [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2020, Pages 161-182]
Salari, Toktam
Effective Factors on Pro-Environmental Consumers’ Behaviors: Case Study of En-vironmental NGOs at Mashhad, Iran [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2022, Pages 295-320]
Salehi, Keyvan
Phenomenology of Female-Headed Household’s Perception of Self-Concept in Both
Private and Public Spheres [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2022, Pages 251-293]
Salehi, Saleh
Investigating the Relationship Between Social Trust and Awareness of Citizenship Rights with the Mediating Role of Political Capital (Case Study: Ahvaz Citizens) [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2023, Pages 199-230]
Samieyan, Mohammadreza
Investigating the Religious Effect on the Experience of Citizens' Shame
(Case study: Citizens 15 years old up to Isfahan city) [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2018, Pages 75-101]
Saroukhani, Bagher
Sociological specification of life satisfaction on the bases of multiple
role-playing conflict and its individual- social consequences
among married women of Tehran municipality [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2020, Pages 37-60]
Saroukhani, Baqer
Qualitative Study of Family Functioning in the Era of Corona; A Case Study of Tehran City [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2024, Pages 107-143]
Seedmerzaii, Seed Mohammad
Sociological analysis of the social and individual contexts and factors of domestic violence (Case study of victims of domestic violence in the cities of Zadeh, Tazeh, Abad and Javanrood) [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2021, Pages 27-49]
Serajzadeh, Hossein
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Studies on Societal Security in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2020, Pages 183-207]
Shabani, Zeynab
Presentation of paradigm model Investigating the condition of the children residing in prison with their mothers [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 65-83]
Shaebani, Maryam
The Street as a Social Space:
Meta-Analysis of Urban Landscape
Research in Iran 1390s [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2022, Pages 227-249]
Shaham far, jafar
Gender and Health; The Analyzing of the Gender Role on Health Inequalities [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 1-29]
Shahryari, Marziyeh
Modeling Students' Academic Procrastination and Coping Strategies Based On Data-Based Theory [(Articles in Press)]
Shahsavari, Maryam
The Type of Men’s Belief in Women’s Employment: A Qualitative Study in Yazd City [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2023, Pages 9-44]
Shakoori, Ali
A study on residents'' support for tourism development: the case of Guilds in Qum city [(Articles in Press)]
Shapari, Rafigh
A meta-analysis of research conducted on factors affecting disposition to addiction and drug abuse and preventive measures taken over 1991-2013 in Kurdistan Province with a focus on behavioral and social factors [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 99-122]
Sharbatiyan, Mohammad Hasan
The Role of Cultural Capital on Health-Oriented Lifestyle (Case of Study: 20-49 Year Old citizens of Damghan City) [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2023, Pages 133-164]
Sharepour, Mahmoud
A Study of Influential Factors on University Students’ Vandalism:
An Partial Test of Agnew‘s General Strain Theory [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 53-77]
Sharepour, Mahmoud
The Street as a Social Space:
Meta-Analysis of Urban Landscape
Research in Iran 1390s [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2022, Pages 227-249]
Sharifi, Zeinab
Explaining the Phenomenon of Migration and its Causes with a Qualitative Approach (The Case of: Yazd Province) [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2024, Pages 253-296]
Sharifi Saei, Mohammad Hosein
Consequences of Marital Infidelity in Iran; Meta-Synthesis Study [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2023, Pages 165-204]
Shatereyan, Mohsen
Study and comparison of social factors affecting the exclusion of Iranian and Afghan students (Case Study: Kashan Secondary School) [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2020, Pages 287-313]
Shiri, Hamed
Cohort Study of Value Changes in Iran
(Secondary Analysis of 4th and 7th Wave Data in the World Values Survey) [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2022, Pages 197-224]
Shiri, Tahmoures
The Role of Social Media in the Future of Iranian Ethnic Identities [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2022, Pages 321-346]
Shirkavand, Atefeh
Analyzing the Attitude Towards the Meaning of Child in Contemporary Identities (Case Study of Young Couples in Tehran) [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2023, Pages 297-324]
Shokri Kakavandi, Pari
The Role of Value System in Cultural Consumption in Kermanshah [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2022, Pages 201-226]
Solati, Hossein
A Phenomenological Study of the Evolution of Relations Between Generations in the Varzajang Phenomenon [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2023, Pages 281-312]
Soleimani, Adel
Investigating the effect of social capital on the social resilience of villagers in the ciologyenvironmental risks (with an emphasis on the drought)
Case study: villages of sub-strict Badar of Ravansar in 2018 [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2019, Pages 283-310]
Soleimani, Hamidreza
The role and position of globalization on the social development of Arak Industrial City [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2021, Pages 309-334]
Soleimani Shadrou, Kaveh
The Social Changes of the Turkashvand Tribe in the Context of Contemporary Gistory [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2023, Pages 141-166]
Soltanian, Mojtaba
Investigating the Effect of Gender on Content in Goli Taraghi’s Works Based on Lakoff Theory [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2022, Pages 71-88]
Soltani Bahram, Saeed
Sociological Analysis the Consumption Style of Urmia Citizens [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2021, Pages 211-241]
Soltani Bahram, Saeed
Reconstructing the Meaning of the Entrepreneurship as Creating Value and Gaining Social Benefit: A Qualitative Research from the Perspective of NGOs Managers [(Articles in Press)]
Soltani-Bahram, Saeid
McDonaldization and the Health System: A Study of the Impact of the Four Principles of McDonaldization on the Health System [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2022, Pages 173-195]
Soltanifar, Mohamad
Effective Ethnic Components in National Branding of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2024, Pages 95-130]
Tabrizi Kahoo, Golamreza
Phenomenology of Female-Headed Household’s Perception of Self-Concept in Both
Private and Public Spheres [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2022, Pages 251-293]
Taghvayi fard, Lyla
The Effect of the Media Using on Women’s Attitude toward childbearing, Jahrom [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2020, Pages 67-87]
Taheri, Zahra
Reconstructing the Meaning of the Entrepreneurship as Creating Value and Gaining Social Benefit: A Qualitative Research from the Perspective of NGOs Managers [(Articles in Press)]
Taheri Kia, Hamed
Home and Virtual University in the Event of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Entanglement of Two Dissimilar Situations [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2024, Pages 29-58]
Tajbakhsh, Gholamreza
Data analysis of the foundation of the process of formation of marital infidelity [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2021, Pages 51-72]
Taleban, Mohammadreza
Religiosity and Environmentalism: An Empirical Reflection on Theoretical Conflicts [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2020, Pages 89-121]
Taleban, Mohammadreza
A Boolean Analysis of the Suicide Rate in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2021, Pages 119-145]
Talebi, Mohammad Ali
The Role of Cultural Capital on Health-Oriented Lifestyle (Case of Study: 20-49 Year Old citizens of Damghan City) [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2023, Pages 133-164]
Talebidalir, Masoumeh
Meta-Analysis of Sociological Factors Affecting the Tendency to Cosmetic Surgery in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2022, Pages 225-260]
Talebidalir, Masoumeh
The Wedding Industry in the City of Hamedan and the Interaction and Conflict of Cultural Trends [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2024, Pages 213-255]
Talebpour, Akbar
Investigating Affecting Factors on Violence against Women with Emphases on Wife Abuse(Case Study; Ardebil Province) [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2018, Pages 27-49]
Tavakol, Mohammad
Mechanism of Knowledge and Power in Fitness: A Sociological Study of the Use of Energizing Drugs in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2021, Pages 303-333]
Tavakoli, Peyman
Professors and Typology of Time: Phenomenological Studying of the Experience of Time among Faculty Members of University of Guilan [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2024, Pages 257-287]
Tayebinia, Mousa
The Survey of sociological factors related to the social Prestige
of women teachers [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 141-168]
Ttavakkol, Mohammad
Consequences associated with entry of technology to Kurdish populated areas of Southern Azerbaijan Province [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 1-22]
Vaisi, Jalal
Development of Job Opportunities and Social Effects of “One Village, One Product” Model (OVOP)
(Case study of Giveh Weaving Activity in Hajij Village) [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2021, Pages 335-360]
Valaei, Mohammad
Investigating the Social Livability of Rural Settlements (Case Study: Villages of Chaharborj County) [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2023, Pages 313-341]
Vosoghi, Asghar
Studying the Effective Factors of Tendency Towards Superstitions Among Citizens: Meta-analysis of Researches from 2009 to 2018 [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2022, Pages 359-393]
Vosoughi, Mansour
Sociological specification of life satisfaction on the bases of multiple
role-playing conflict and its individual- social consequences
among married women of Tehran municipality [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2020, Pages 37-60]
Yaghobi Chobari, Ali
The phenomenological understanding of the lived experiences of transsexuals in the city of Mashhad (a qualitative study) [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2021, Pages 1-26]
Yaghoobi, Ali
Professors and Typology of Time: Phenomenological Studying of the Experience of Time among Faculty Members of University of Guilan [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2024, Pages 257-287]
Yaghubi, Ali
Meta-Analysis of Sociological Factors Affecting the Tendency to Cosmetic Surgery in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2022, Pages 225-260]
YazdKhasti, Behjat
Modernization and Attitude Change: Comparing and Analyzing the Attitudes of Urban and Rural Women toward Jobs (Case Study: Isfahan Province) [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2019, Pages 99-127]
Yousefi, najmedin
Investigating the effect of social capital on the social resilience of villagers in the ciologyenvironmental risks (with an emphasis on the drought)
Case study: villages of sub-strict Badar of Ravansar in 2018 [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2019, Pages 283-310]
Zaboli, Rohollah
Phenomenological Explanation of the Grocery Shopping Motivations in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2021, Pages 277-307]
Zafarabdollahzadeh, Foad
The Role of Social Media in the Future of Iranian Ethnic Identities [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2022, Pages 321-346]
Zahedi-Mazandarani, Mohammad Javad
Discourse Analysis of Welfare and Social Security in Iran After the Islamic Revolution [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2022, Pages 89-115]
Zahiri, Alireza
National Identity in Iranian Society and its Challenges and Problems: Systematic Review of Quantitative Scientific-Research Articles (1998-2019) [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2022, Pages 177-199]
Zakerhaghighi, Kianoosh
The comparative survey of place attachment to improve social resilience
(Cases study: Aghajani-Beyg, Motekhassesin and Hesar-e-Imam in Hamedan city) [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2020, Pages 37-66]
Zakeri Nasrabadi, Zahra
Reflexivity and Mistrust: Isfahan Citizens’ Experience of Living in Corona Conditions [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2024, Pages 61-106]
Zare, Hamid
Designing an Appropriate Model for Identifying the Competencies of Managers of Higher Education Institutions (Case Study of Public Universities) [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2021, Pages 9-33]
Zare, Sadegh
Study of Factors Influencing Early Divorce among Urban Bushehr Youth
(Comparing Two Groups of Divorced and Not-Divorced) [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 1-35]
Zarei, Ameneh
An investigating on the mental notions of female students living in student campuses: A Case Study of Farzanegan Female Student campuses at Bou- Ali Sina University [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2019, Pages 53-73]
Zazhary Ava, Maryam
Development of Job Opportunities and Social Effects of “One Village, One Product” Model (OVOP)
(Case study of Giveh Weaving Activity in Hajij Village) [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2021, Pages 335-360]
Zeraat Herfeh, Fahimeh
Female University Students' Experiences of University Dorms: A Qualitative Study [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2019, Pages 75-97]
Zolghadr,, Khadijeh
Analyzing the Attitude Towards the Meaning of Child in Contemporary Identities (Case Study of Young Couples in Tehran) [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2023, Pages 297-324]
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