Author = Moradkhani, Homayon
The Social Changes of the Turkashvand Tribe in the Context of Contemporary Gistory

Volume 11, Issue 21, March 2023, Pages 141-166


Siavash Gholipour; Homayon Moradkhani; Kaveh Soleimani Shadrou

Generational Perceptions of the Identitity by Kermanshahs’ Graduates

Volume 10, Issue 18, September 2021, Pages 269-302


Mohammad Taghi Sabzehei; Homayoun Moradkhani; Shima Mostafa

Women in the consumer society: case study of Ilam city

Volume 9, Issue 16, August 2020, Pages 235-259


Homayoun Moradkhani; Mohammad taghi Sabzeei; Zohre Mohammadbeyghi

School rationality and its citizenship system: Case study of Delfan city high school

Volume 6, Issue 11, March 2018, Pages 103-120


homayoun moradkhani; mohammad taghi sabzehei; vahid akrami